Forklift loading two pallets onto a truck

Planning Your Load: How Many Pallets Fit in a Truck?

Are you paying for air? 

If loading pallets into a truck feels like a high-stakes game of Tetris, you’re not alone. The trouble is, when you’re loading pallets into trucks, every square inch counts. If you’re not maximizing your space, you’re essentially throwing money away. All those gaps and pockets of air inside your trailer might not seem like much at first glance, but they add up to significant inefficiencies such as higher fuel costs, more trips, and wasted resources. 

And when margins are razor-thin, you can’t afford to pay for space you’re not using. 

Unfortunately, inefficient loading doesn’t just cost you extra in shipping fees; it can lead to damaged goods and increased liability. Poorly packed trailers are more prone to shifting loads, damaged goods, accidents, or fines. On the flip side, mastering load planning can transform your logistics—reducing costs, improving safety, and boosting your bottom line. 

Let’s dive into some strategies that will help you load your pallets like a pro, minimizing that wasted space, lowering your transportation costs, and ensuring your goods arrive safely to their destinations. Let’s make sure you never heave to pay for air again. 

How many standard pallets are in a full truckload? 

On average, a 53 foot semi trailer can fit 30 standard pallets, assuming they aren’t stacked. However, this number can vary significantly based on several factors: 

  • Pallet size:  A 48” x 40” GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association) pallet is standard, but other pallet sizes may be used, and that affects how many will fit in a trailer. 
  • Loading configuration: The pallets can be loaded straight (end-to-end lengthwise), pinwheeled (one lengthwise then one crosswise), or turned (end-to-end crosswise). This will affect how many will fit. 
  • Pallet weight: The overall weight of the pallets and their contents may limit the number of pallets due to weight restrictions on the truck. 
  • Stacking: If the pallets can be safely stacked, the number of pallets per truckload can increase up to double. 
  • Axle configuration: The specific axle configuration of the truck can influence how the weight needs to be distributed, which will impact how many pallets can be loaded. 

To provide a more precise estimate, refer to the following table that assumes the use of standard 48” x 40” GMA pallets, loaded without stacking. 

Trailer Length 48” x 40” GMA Pallet
53 feet (636 inches) 26 straight
28 pinwheeled
30 turned
48 feet (576 inches) 24 straight (tight)
26 pinwheeled (tight)
28 turned
40 feet (480 inches) 18 straight
20 pinwheeled
22 turned
24 feet (288 inches)  10 straight
12 pinwheeled
14 turned 
16 feet (192 inches)  6 straight
8 pinwheeled
8 turned 

What are standard pallet sizes? 

The 48” x 40” pallet is the most common size in the U.S. and Canada. Referred to as the GMA pallet, the dimensions were standardized by the Grocery Manufacturers Association, and the pallet is generally used for groceries and warehousing. 

Though 39% of pallets used in the U.S are custom sized, many other sizes are common throughout North America:

  • 42” x 42” or paint pallet, it’s frequently used in the telecommunications and paint industries
  • 48” x 48” perfect for transporting 55 gallon drums of liquid
  • 48” x 42” used by the chemical and beverage industries
  • 48” x 45” used in the automotive industry
  • 40” x 40” common in the dairy industry
  • 36” x 36” often used to transport bottled beverages

In Europe, pallet sizes are measured in millimeters, and the most common sizes are the EUR (1200 mm x 800 mm—also known as EUR 1, Europallet, and EPAL), the EUR 2 (1200 mm x 1000 mm—similar in size to the GMA pallet common in North America), the EUR 3 (1000 mm x 1200 mm), and the EUR 6 (800 mm x 600mm). 

How to maximize trailer space

Remember that air space you don’t want to pay for? It’s crucial to maximize trailer space to improve efficiency, get rid of that air space, and reduce shipping costs. To make the most of every inch, consider carefully how your goods are loaded, keeping in mind factors like stackability, pallet size, and the order in which items are placed in your trailer. This will also enhance the safety and security of your cargo during transit. 

These tips and strategies will help you maximize your trailer space effectively: 

    1. Stack your pallets when possible. Using the vertical space is more efficient, but if you do, it’s critical to make sure the items on the pallets are stable and secure to prevent shifting or damage during transit. Stacking properly can double the number of pallets you can fit into your trailer. 
    2. Opt for uniform pallet sizes that maximize available space. If possible, use smaller pallets for smaller shipments, which will help you be more efficient with your arrangement and reduce wasted space. Keep the configuration of different pallet sizes in mind to optimize loading patterns. 
    3. Load large and heavy items first. Placing larger and heavier items at the back of the trailer and on the bottom of the stack helps balance the trailer for safer driving. It also ensures that heavier items are securely positioned and less likely to cause damage to lighter, more fragile goods. 
    4. Load small and light items last. Seems like a no brainer, but it’s worth pointing out that filling in gaps with light and small items will ensure that no space is wasted. These items can be placed on top of heavier goods or in spaces between pallets to maximize every inch of your trailer. 

A note about weight distribution: Proper weight distribution within the trailer maximizes space but also maintains safety on the road. Unevenly distributed loads can lead to increased wear on tires, reduced fuel efficiency, and dangerous driving conditions. It’s never okay to sacrifice proper weight distribution for the sake of saving space. It’s not worth it in the long run. Make sure you understand axle weight limits, where the center of gravity needs to be, and how to avoid improper loading that could lead to accidents or fines during inspections. 

Still having issues with loading your pallets? Read these solutions to 15 common load optimization problems

The cost of inefficient loading

One of the biggest challenges in logistics is making sure each load is as cost effective as possible. Inefficient loading means wasted space and increased transportation costs, and nobody wants that. If you aren’t using your space efficiently—if your trucks aren’t fully optimized—you’re essentially paying to transport air. That jacks up fuel costs and increases your carbon footprint unnecessarily. On the flip side, higher efficiency with loading your pallets into your trucks will save on shipping costs, reduce fuel charges, and help the environment. 

Make load planning easy

Properly loading your pallets and placing them efficiently into your trucks will keep your goods safer and reduce shipping and transportation costs significantly. These tips in this article will help, but you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. The easiest way to plan your loads quickly, efficiently, and safely is to use load planning software like Cube-IQ. Our advanced load planning software is designed to handle the complexities of modern logistics so you don’t need to break a sweat. 

How does it work? Cube-IQ communicates with your other systems, plugging in all pertinent information about individual items and specific packaging rules you have in place. Our algorithm then automatically determines the optimal plan for the situation, whether you’re packing items into a carton, on a pallet, or into a truck. 

Cube-IQ plays the perfect game of Tetris so you can pack efficiently and safely, saving time, energy, and money in the process.  

Start your free trial today! 

La planification des charges, la cartonnisation et la palettisation désormais accessibles dans le nuage

Le logiciel de planification de la charge MagicLogic est désormais disponible dans le Cloud pour les clients. Il convient aux entreprises qui recherchent une solution SaaS sans frais supplémentaires pour les ressources informatiques locales. Les clients qui préfèrent acheter des licences à l'unité conservent bien entendu cette possibilité.

Cube-IQ Web et BlackBox sont tous deux disponibles sous forme de services par abonnement, hébergés en toute sécurité sur nos serveurs à l'aide de Microsoft Azure. Les prestataires de services logistiques, les détaillants et les fabricants peuvent désormais planifier des chargements de manière efficace, directement à partir du nuage. Les deux applications donnent des résultats précis à la vitesse de l'éclair en utilisant nos algorithmes avancés.

Cube-IQ Web - Toutes les mêmes fonctions du Cube-IQ

Avec Cube-IQ Web, nos abonnés peuvent se connecter au service quel que soit l'endroit où ils utilisent leur tablette, leur ordinateur portable ou leur téléphone. Cube-IQ est réputé pour couvrir plus d'exigences opérationnelles que n'importe quel autre logiciel. Il peut gérer même les règles de chargement les plus compliquées, permettant aux planificateurs de choisir la position et l'orientation de chaque article chargé dans un conteneur, un wagon, un camion ou un ULD.

Cube-IQ optimise le chargement dans un ou plusieurs conteneurs, en sélectionnant automatiquement le conteneur de la bonne taille pour chaque chargement et en s'assurant que davantage d'articles sont chargés à chaque fois. Une base de données intégrée garantit qu'aucun autre logiciel externe n'est nécessaire. L'interface utilisateur graphique permet aux planificateurs de chargement de modifier les chargements à la volée, d'avancer dans les plans de chargement et de les visualiser sous n'importe quel angle, grâce à un puissant moteur graphique. Les recettes fréquemment utilisées peuvent être sauvegardées pour des calculs ultérieurs.

De nombreuses entreprises de transport routier ne respectent pas les lois strictes sur les poids par essieu. Cube-IQ veille à ce que tous les poids par essieu soient calculés avec précision, afin que les chargements soient sûrs et légaux. D'autres options incluent le chargement dans une séquence de prise ou de dépose, et le logiciel peut facilement gérer des camions ou des remorques à deux niveaux.

BlackBox - Cartonisation

De nombreuses entreprises sont encore confrontées à des articles emballés et expédiés dans des cartons de taille incorrecte, ce qui entraîne un gaspillage de carton et l'utilisation d'un fardage excessif, et augmente considérablement les frais d'expédition. Notre logiciel de cartonnage élimine ce problème, en utilisant les dimensions et le poids des articles pour sélectionner le carton de taille optimale en temps quasi réel, ce qui garantit que cette solution est idéale pour le commerce électronique. Le personnel de l'entrepôt reçoit des plans de chargement clairs et le logiciel peut également être utilisé avec des stations d'emballage robotisées. Les clients reçoivent des marchandises parfaitement emballées avec juste assez de matériau de remplissage pour protéger les articles et s'assurer qu'ils arrivent dans un état impeccable, de sorte que les retours sont minimisés en raison de dommages.

BlackBox travaille en coulisse et est spécialement conçu pour s'intégrer facilement à tous les systèmes WMS/ERP à l'aide d'API standard.

BlackBox - Palettisation

Une véritable palettisation mixte est difficile à réaliser, et BlackBox dispose d'un moteur d'optimisation distinct développé spécifiquement à cette fin. Les solutions comprennent l'empilage et la palettisation de caisses mixtes complexes pour les stations d'emballage manuelles ou robotisées. Notre logiciel garantit que vos palettes sont chargées avec précision, en calculant la solidité et la résistance à l'écrasement des cartons et en veillant à ce que seuls les articles les plus légers soient placés sur le dessus. BlackBox s'assure qu'aucun carton ou article ne dépasse des palettes ou des couches inférieures, en se basant sur le poids et les dimensions précises de l'article. Ainsi, les palettes sont stables, peuvent être emballées en toute sécurité et sont prêtes pour l'expédition ou le stockage en entrepôt.

L'intégration facile et la formation au logiciel garantissent que le Cube-IQ ou la Blackbox sont rapidement prêts à être utilisés. Avec un abonnement, votre entreprise commence à économiser de l'argent dès le premier jour avec un investissement initial minime. Les prix des abonnements sont adaptés à la demande de chaque entreprise et peuvent être augmentés au fur et à mesure de la croissance de l'entreprise. Vous êtes intéressé ? Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations et une démonstration du logiciel.

Air Freight Logistics: Loading ULDs Efficiently

Air freight logistics has become more challenging over the past year. Like so many industries, it has needed to adapt rapidly to changing circumstances. While previously, much of the industry was B2B, it has increasingly become more business-to-consumer oriented. The freight industry has also needed to compensate for the loss of cargo space.

Previously, a lot of cargo was transported in passenger plane holds, but the decline in travel has led to commercial flight cancellations of around 50%. Airlines have adapted to the challenge, repurposing passenger planes to carry more freight. While some continued only to offer space in the hold, others have gone a step further, removing seats to carry more freight, but this means the freight must be packed directly into cartons rather than into Unit Load Devices or ULDs. Despite these adaptations, the lack of cargo space remains challenging, and air freight rates have increased significantly in response.

With increased freight costs, the need to optimize loads correctly and safely is even greater. MagicLogic has years of experience in air freight logistics, optimizing ULDs efficiently and safely, saving time and money.

Optimizing ULDs

ULDs are exceptionally tricky to load efficiently, as there are numerous variations in sizes and shapes; they are not rectangular and have cut-off corners or ceilings. The shape depends on where the ULD is to be loaded in the plane and the type of aircraft. Then there is the actual load to consider. Some cargo is pre-loaded into cartons or boxes, while other loads need to be built on open pallets. These pallets must be built to fit the contour of a specific ULD. Once built, they are secured in place by a net fitted around the rim of the pallet.

Following Loading Rules

If cartons are used, our software ensures they are packed correctly, protecting the cargo and ensuring it arrives in perfect condition. When pallets are loaded, it is important to ensure the weight of the cargo is not concentrated on a single pallet. Accurate load spreading is essential in making it easier to load the ULD, and to help balance the aircraft.

MagicLogic load optimization software follows the strictest and most complex loading rules, ensuring pallets or cartons are loaded safely and stably. Loading rules are fully customizable, including the orientation of each item and its allowed location in a load. This ensures a delicate item is never loaded on the bottom and that goods that require specialized handling are packed correctly. The software calculates an optimized pallet or carton’s weight, ensuring it does not exceed safe levels.

As the pandemic begins to ease with the introduction of vaccines, the airline industry will gradually return to normal, and the number of flights for passengers and cargo will increase. However, it could leave behind some fundamental changes to shopping habits. People have become accustomed to the convenience of purchasing goods online, changing air freight logistics for good.

Choosing the Best Load Optimization Software

Companies with limited loading of ULDs can use our Cube-IQ® software program. Those companies who routinely send large amounts of sir freight will benefit from our BlackBox® optimizer, which provides high-speed Cartonization and advanced mixed-palletization.

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