Forklift loading two pallets onto a truck

Planning Your Load: How Many Pallets Fit in a Truck?

Are you paying for air? 

If loading pallets into a truck feels like a high-stakes game of Tetris, you’re not alone. The trouble is, when you’re loading pallets into trucks, every square inch counts. If you’re not maximizing your space, you’re essentially throwing money away. All those gaps and pockets of air inside your trailer might not seem like much at first glance, but they add up to significant inefficiencies such as higher fuel costs, more trips, and wasted resources. 

And when margins are razor-thin, you can’t afford to pay for space you’re not using. 

Unfortunately, inefficient loading doesn’t just cost you extra in shipping fees; it can lead to damaged goods and increased liability. Poorly packed trailers are more prone to shifting loads, damaged goods, accidents, or fines. On the flip side, mastering load planning can transform your logistics—reducing costs, improving safety, and boosting your bottom line. 

Let’s dive into some strategies that will help you load your pallets like a pro, minimizing that wasted space, lowering your transportation costs, and ensuring your goods arrive safely to their destinations. Let’s make sure you never heave to pay for air again. 

How many standard pallets are in a full truckload? 

On average, a 53 foot semi trailer can fit 30 standard pallets, assuming they aren’t stacked. However, this number can vary significantly based on several factors: 

  • Pallet size:  A 48” x 40” GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association) pallet is standard, but other pallet sizes may be used, and that affects how many will fit in a trailer. 
  • Loading configuration: The pallets can be loaded straight (end-to-end lengthwise), pinwheeled (one lengthwise then one crosswise), or turned (end-to-end crosswise). This will affect how many will fit. 
  • Pallet weight: The overall weight of the pallets and their contents may limit the number of pallets due to weight restrictions on the truck. 
  • Stacking: If the pallets can be safely stacked, the number of pallets per truckload can increase up to double. 
  • Axle configuration: The specific axle configuration of the truck can influence how the weight needs to be distributed, which will impact how many pallets can be loaded. 

To provide a more precise estimate, refer to the following table that assumes the use of standard 48” x 40” GMA pallets, loaded without stacking. 

Trailer Length 48” x 40” GMA Pallet
53 feet (636 inches) 26 straight
28 pinwheeled
30 turned
48 feet (576 inches) 24 straight (tight)
26 pinwheeled (tight)
28 turned
40 feet (480 inches) 18 straight
20 pinwheeled
22 turned
24 feet (288 inches)  10 straight
12 pinwheeled
14 turned 
16 feet (192 inches)  6 straight
8 pinwheeled
8 turned 

What are standard pallet sizes? 

The 48” x 40” pallet is the most common size in the U.S. and Canada. Referred to as the GMA pallet, the dimensions were standardized by the Grocery Manufacturers Association, and the pallet is generally used for groceries and warehousing. 

Though 39% of pallets used in the U.S are custom sized, many other sizes are common throughout North America:

  • 42” x 42” or paint pallet, it’s frequently used in the telecommunications and paint industries
  • 48” x 48” perfect for transporting 55 gallon drums of liquid
  • 48” x 42” used by the chemical and beverage industries
  • 48” x 45” used in the automotive industry
  • 40” x 40” common in the dairy industry
  • 36” x 36” often used to transport bottled beverages

In Europe, pallet sizes are measured in millimeters, and the most common sizes are the EUR (1200 mm x 800 mm—also known as EUR 1, Europallet, and EPAL), the EUR 2 (1200 mm x 1000 mm—similar in size to the GMA pallet common in North America), the EUR 3 (1000 mm x 1200 mm), and the EUR 6 (800 mm x 600mm). 

How to maximize trailer space

Remember that air space you don’t want to pay for? It’s crucial to maximize trailer space to improve efficiency, get rid of that air space, and reduce shipping costs. To make the most of every inch, consider carefully how your goods are loaded, keeping in mind factors like stackability, pallet size, and the order in which items are placed in your trailer. This will also enhance the safety and security of your cargo during transit. 

These tips and strategies will help you maximize your trailer space effectively: 

    1. Stack your pallets when possible. Using the vertical space is more efficient, but if you do, it’s critical to make sure the items on the pallets are stable and secure to prevent shifting or damage during transit. Stacking properly can double the number of pallets you can fit into your trailer. 
    2. Opt for uniform pallet sizes that maximize available space. If possible, use smaller pallets for smaller shipments, which will help you be more efficient with your arrangement and reduce wasted space. Keep the configuration of different pallet sizes in mind to optimize loading patterns. 
    3. Load large and heavy items first. Placing larger and heavier items at the back of the trailer and on the bottom of the stack helps balance the trailer for safer driving. It also ensures that heavier items are securely positioned and less likely to cause damage to lighter, more fragile goods. 
    4. Load small and light items last. Seems like a no brainer, but it’s worth pointing out that filling in gaps with light and small items will ensure that no space is wasted. These items can be placed on top of heavier goods or in spaces between pallets to maximize every inch of your trailer. 

A note about weight distribution: Proper weight distribution within the trailer maximizes space but also maintains safety on the road. Unevenly distributed loads can lead to increased wear on tires, reduced fuel efficiency, and dangerous driving conditions. It’s never okay to sacrifice proper weight distribution for the sake of saving space. It’s not worth it in the long run. Make sure you understand axle weight limits, where the center of gravity needs to be, and how to avoid improper loading that could lead to accidents or fines during inspections. 

Still having issues with loading your pallets? Read these solutions to 15 common load optimization problems

The cost of inefficient loading

One of the biggest challenges in logistics is making sure each load is as cost effective as possible. Inefficient loading means wasted space and increased transportation costs, and nobody wants that. If you aren’t using your space efficiently—if your trucks aren’t fully optimized—you’re essentially paying to transport air. That jacks up fuel costs and increases your carbon footprint unnecessarily. On the flip side, higher efficiency with loading your pallets into your trucks will save on shipping costs, reduce fuel charges, and help the environment. 

Make load planning easy

Properly loading your pallets and placing them efficiently into your trucks will keep your goods safer and reduce shipping and transportation costs significantly. These tips in this article will help, but you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. The easiest way to plan your loads quickly, efficiently, and safely is to use load planning software like Cube-IQ. Our advanced load planning software is designed to handle the complexities of modern logistics so you don’t need to break a sweat. 

How does it work? Cube-IQ communicates with your other systems, plugging in all pertinent information about individual items and specific packaging rules you have in place. Our algorithm then automatically determines the optimal plan for the situation, whether you’re packing items into a carton, on a pallet, or into a truck. 

Cube-IQ plays the perfect game of Tetris so you can pack efficiently and safely, saving time, energy, and money in the process.  

Start your free trial today! 

Organize Your Shipping Systems With Palletization Software

Palletization software is a vital part of supply chain operations and is designed to help with the process of placing items to be shipped onto pallets. The software automates what has historically been a manual and time-consuming task, ensuring that goods are arranged efficiently and securely on pallets to maximize space, reduce the risk of damage, and improve overall handling.

What is palletization

Palletization is the process of stacking goods or materials onto a pallet, a flat structure designed to support and stabilize them during storage and transportation. The main purpose of pallet building software is to organize the handling, storage, and movement of goods, making them easier to transport by forklifts, trucks, and other machinery. When pallets were originally introduced, the impact on material handling was dramatic.

Benefits of palletization

Faster delivery

Using pallets as a base for goods allows them to be loaded and unloaded far more quickly and efficiently, saving hours of human resources, reducing labor costs, and enabling a faster turnaround and transportation of products.

More efficient handling

Operators can insert and remove pallets more effectively, as handling equipment can stack products, reducing the number of movements required.

Lower labor costs

Labor requirements are reduced dramatically with palletization. Moving fully loaded pallets allows warehouse workers to move a greater volume of goods during each shift.

Protection of perishable goods

Palletization is particularly important for perishable goods that must be kept refrigerated. Using pallets allows these goods to be moved more quickly across unrefrigerated areas, and they can be loaded and unloaded more quickly.

Lower risk of damaged goods and freight loss

Proper palletization reduces damage to goods, protecting items and ensuring that products remain in perfect condition until the pallet is unloaded and ready for the next part of the supply chain. Items secured on pallets are bound together with plastic wrap, strapping, or both, so the chance of items falling off are low.

Warehouse staff safety

When items are palletized correctly, the pallet is stable, reducing the chance of injury to workers.

Warehouse storage optimization

Material handling is more efficient, enabling better optimization of warehouse storage, since one key factor in optimizing transportation is stackability.

Better inventory control

Palletizing loads enables better inventory control, as it is easier to monitor each SKU. Logistics managers can gauge a product’s stock level at a glance since they will know the number of products stored on each pallet.


Usually, goods loaded onto pallets are stacked on top of one another in columns, resting directly on the item below. However, load strength and stability considerably increase when pallets are loaded in an interlocking pattern. Achieving the best loading pattern is not easy. Additionally, some goods are not suitable for palletization. These include long and thin items or irregularly shaped items that will not stack easily.

Choosing the best way to palletize

pallet loading

You can choose from a variety of palletization methods, as long as you keep stability in mind. The following tips will improve your palletization process:

  • Use cartons or boxes: Opt for regular-shaped cartons or boxes to ensure goods can be neatly stacked, resulting in more even loading.
  • Fill to max capacity: Pack the boxes as full as possible within weight and size limits.
  • Ensure even stacking: Avoid uneven stacking or bulging loads to maintain stability, and be sure to distribute items on the pallet evenly by weight.
  • Create a compact structure: Aim for a compact and uniform load structure for enhanced stability, without any items extending past the pallet base.
  • Wrap the load with transparent film: Secure the load by wrapping it in transparent film to protect the goods and keep them together.
  • Use strapping for additional  security: Consider using strapping to further secure the load and bind the goods together.

Consider pallet characteristics

Pallets are available in several standard sizes, helping optimize supply chain operations. A standard pallet is 40 x 48 x 5 inches, and most shipping companies base their freight charges on pallet volume. Using pallets can add 20% 30% volume to a shipment, so proper optimization is essential to ensure the pallets achieve maximum volume. Most companies use standard-sized boxes that are easier to stack without wasting space, but this isn’t possible for every order.

Pallets can be made from different materials, depending on the goods to be shipped. These include pallets made from wood, metal, or plastic. Pallets can also be selected according to the storage systems available in the warehouse, the handling equipment that can be manual or automatic, and facilities available at supplier locations.

Using blackbox logistics pallet loading software

MagicLogic BlackBox software includes a separate optimization engine developed specifically for palletization, including complex mixed-case pallet stacking. Our palletizing software can build layers and semi-layers. It can also automatically switch to free stacking when required. The main aim of our palletization engine is to achieve excellent pallet stability, maximum fill quality, and maximum load stability. It supports manual pack stations and robotics.

These days, more companies are choosing to automate or semi-automate their logistics operations, and BlackBox can provide packing sequences suitable for robotics. Robotics is especially useful for packaging pharmaceutical goods and the food industry, ensuring goods remain clean and hygienic during palletization.

Our BlackBox palletization software includes configurable parameters for different end-of-arm tools and approach points, allowing users to achieve true mixed case robotized palletization. Our R&D team spent considerable time solving this difficult problem effectively and is rightly proud of this achievement.

Easy to integrate with your WMS/TMS

Hemos diseñado nuestro BlackBox para que pueda configurarse de forma que funcione con cualquier sistema que genere datos según un esquema estándar, utilizando potentes API que garantizan que los integradores de sistemas puedan empezar a trabajar en pocos días.

Custom solutions available

Over half of our business focuses on providing custom solutions to meet customers’ specific requirements. Many of our customers need to ship products that must be packed in a certain way to ensure they arrive in perfect condition and are accepted by the end-user. We specialize in finding solutions for tricky problems using our decades of experience and knowledge gained within the supply chain industry. For more information you can reach out to our customer success team.

Seguir el auge del comercio electrónico

Cualquiera que haya encargado regalos para las recientes fiestas sabrá que las cadenas de suministro están sometidas a una gran presión en estos momentos, y que muchos paquetes no han llegado a tiempo. Aunque el comercio electrónico ha crecido mucho en los últimos años, no hay nada como una pandemia para ponerlo más de relieve. Con un número cada vez mayor de personas obligadas a comprar en línea en un futuro previsible, las empresas necesitan adoptar una plataforma más digitalizada para llegar a los clientes con éxito, una transformación que no está exenta de desafíos.

Garantizar una entrega a tiempo

Los clientes esperan que los pedidos lleguen rápidamente, y para ello se necesita una sólida plataforma de comercio electrónico que incluya un excelente apoyo logístico. Un buen software de planificación de cargas puede garantizar que una carga se empaquete con mayor precisión, de modo que los artículos que deban entregarse en primer lugar sean fácilmente accesibles.

Reducir los gastos de envío

Pagar cero gastos de envío o sólo unos gastos mínimos se está convirtiendo en la norma, incluso cuando los clientes esperan plazos de entrega más rápidos. Sin embargo, los gastos de envío han aumentado y ofrecer gastos de envío gratuitos puede afectar considerablemente a los resultados. Algunas empresas ofrecen el envío gratuito de forma estándar para pedidos superiores a un determinado umbral, pero asegurarse de que los pedidos se embalan correctamente puede reducir en gran medida los costes de envío, utilizando cajas de cartón del tamaño adecuado y material de relleno menos costoso. El software de encartonado más sofisticado del comercio electrónico puede seleccionar el cartón correcto y calcular los gastos de envío casi en tiempo real.

Otra opción es incluir el envío en el precio e incluir los gastos de aduana de los envíos internacionales. El pedido puede pasar la aduana más rápidamente, y los clientes reciben su pedido con mayor prontitud y sin temor a pagar gastos de aduana desconocidos.

Logística inversa

Es importante considerar la logística inversa y decidir si los clientes son responsables del coste de las devoluciones o cómo reducir estos costes. Una opción es recurrir a socios 3PL con sus propios almacenes y operaciones logísticas. De lo contrario, una forma de reducir el número de devoluciones es asegurarse de que cada pedido se gestiona correctamente. Cuando un pedido se recoge y embala correctamente, no sólo se reducen los gastos de envío, sino que también disminuye el riesgo de que estos artículos sufran daños.

La importancia de utilizar el software logístico adecuado

El software de planificación de carga de MagicLogic se desarrolla internamente con un objetivo en mente: proporcionar a las empresas el software de planificación de carga más potente disponible en la actualidad. Cube-IQ® es nuestro programa de software de planificación de carga de última generación. Su uso es intuitivo y lleva incorporado un completo motor de base de datos. Nuestro optimizador BlackBox® proporciona encartonado para eFulfillment y paletización mixta mediante robótica. Optimiza la selección de cajas, pedido tras pedido.

Nuestras soluciones de software ayudan a las empresas a aumentar la eficiencia y ahorrar tiempo y dinero cada día. Lea nuestro reciente estudio de caso para True Manufacturing para obtener más información.

Palés, software de paletización y cadena de suministro

Tendemos a dar por sentado que los palés están por todas partes y pueden ser una molestia para las empresas una vez descargados. Sin embargo, son una parte fundamental de la cadena de suministro, y el suministro de palés se ve afectado cuando permanecen demasiado tiempo en un mismo lugar. Se calcula que sólo en Estados Unidos circulan unos dos mil millones de palés, y más del 90% de las mercancías se envían en palés. El software de paletización garantiza que los palés se cargan de forma óptima y segura. Un palé mal cargado da lugar a mercancías dañadas y a una carga inestable y, por supuesto, puede desperdiciar un espacio valioso y caro.

Aunque los palés existen desde hace décadas, ahora son más importantes que nunca para las cadenas de suministro, sobre todo a medida que los almacenes se automatizan cada vez más. La necesidad de mantener los palés en circulación nunca ha sido tan importante como en los últimos quince meses, ya que la demanda de productos de papel, artículos de limpieza y alimentos y bebidas por parte de los consumidores ha aumentado exponencialmente. El tiempo de permanencia, es decir, el tiempo que tarda un palé en ser entregado para su uso, cargado con productos y entregado antes de ser devuelto para su reutilización, es un quebradero de cabeza especial para los transportistas. Pero los palés actuales son cada vez más inteligentes, gracias a las nuevas tecnologías.

Los palés pueden equiparse con códigos de barras y etiquetas RFID. Las etiquetas RFID son especialmente útiles para las empresas que aún no han integrado sus sistemas tecnológicos, ya que permiten un fácil seguimiento a través de distintos sistemas. También permiten recuperar fácilmente los productos, en caso necesario.

Los materiales utilizados para fabricar palés también están cambiando. Aunque se siguen utilizando los tradicionales palés de madera, los de plástico son cada vez más demandados para los sistemas automatizados. Pueden durar más y no tienen clavos ni tablas rotas ni dejan tras de sí polvo y restos que puedan afectar al buen funcionamiento de la automatización o causar daños en los productos. Además, los palés de plástico son más fáciles de limpiar e ideales para el mundo pospandémico, y pueden producirse de forma sostenible.

Los palés de plástico pueden fabricarse a partir de residuos de fabricación o envasado. Una vez que llegan al final de su vida útil, pueden triturarse y convertirse en nuevos palés. Los palés de madera tienden a tener una vida útil más limitada, y se necesitan valiosos recursos para fabricarlos y reciclarlos. Cualquiera que haya tenido recientemente el dudoso placer de necesitar madera se dará cuenta de que los enormes aumentos de precio hacen aún más atractivo el cambio a los palés de plástico.

A medida que la automatización se convierte en la norma, la paletización de alta velocidad ayuda a garantizar que cada paleta se gane su sustento. Es un área donde MagicLogic puede ayudar con nuestro avanzado software de paletización mixta.

Utilizar la potencia del software de paletización BlackBox

El software de optimización de cargas BlackBox cuenta con un motor independiente desarrollado específicamente para la paletización mixta. Incluye la construcción de capas, semicapas y un cambio automático a apilado libre cuando es necesario. Nuestro motor de paletización mixta tiene como objetivo principal la estabilidad del palé, consiguiendo la máxima calidad de llenado y la máxima estabilidad de la carga. BlackBox también puede proporcionar una secuencia de apilado adecuada para robótica, incluyendo parámetros configurables para diferentes herramientas de fin de brazo y puntos de aproximación. ¿Le interesa saber más? Lea sobre BlackBox y sus capacidades en nuestro sitio web. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo para una demostración del software.

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